
    Supply List

    Grade 5


    Please bring the following supplies on the first day of school:

    • 1/2-inch 3-ring binder (strong enough to hold folder and looseleaf)
    • 1 package of loose-leaf paper (for binder)
    • 1 package of 3x5 index cards
    • 1 one subject spiral notebook
    • 1 three subject spiral notebook
    • 4 marble composition notebooks
    • a small notebook or pad for writing down homework
    • 4 flexible pocket folders (green, red, blue, yellow)- At least one should have holes to fit into the binder. 
    • scissors
    • 1 glue stick
    • sharpened NON-mechanical pencils (Ticonderoga sharpen best)*
    • large handheld eraser*
    • 2-4 blue or black pens*
    • 1 red pen*
    • 2 highlighters*
    • 2 thin Expo dry erase markers*
    • small box of crayons, markers, OR colored pencils*
    • pencil pouch 
    • 2 pad of Post-Its (3x3 inches)
    • 1 pair of earbuds in a case or Ziplock bag (can be found at the Dollar Store)
    • 2 boxes of tissues
    • 2 large containers of Lysol or Clorox wipes for desks (no baby wipes)
    • Large bottle of hand sanitizer for class donation

    *Extra supplies should be stored at home and replenished as needed throughout the year.