      Name: Kelly Mead 
    Subject: ELA, Math, and Resource Room
    Below you will find my contact information. In the links library you will find links to Mrs. Garrand's page (ELA) and Mrs. Del Bianco's page (Math) if you are looking for information on those two classes.  
    Email: kelly.mead@wcsdny.org
    Phone: 845-227-1700 ext. 51015
    Period 1 - Prep
    Period 2 - Math 8 Room 212 
    Period 3 - Math 8 Room 212
    Period 4 - Team Planning
    Period 5 - ELA 8 rm. 213
    Period 6 - ELA 8 rm. 213
    Period 7 - Lunch
    Period 8 - Study Hall/Lunch Duty
    Period 9 - Resource Room